L I B E C O L i n e n s

Libeco have been passionate about the sustainability of linen since 1858, their belief in flax and linen as a sustainable premier product has only grown throughout the years. It is their mission to work with flax farmers, spinners and finishers to create the highest quality linens with the smallest possible ecological footprint. All their products carry OEKO-TEX certification and are made in their carbon-neutral weaving mill in Belgium.
Artisans there have worked with what is considered to be the best flax in the world for centuries. Their skills + craftsmanship have been passed on from generation to generation. This family company carry the Masters of Linen® quality label guaranteeing the linen is 100% made in Europe with a guarantee of transparent production processes, Corporate Social Responsibility + traceability.
If you’re looking for elegant and durable modern-rustic linen that stands the test of time, this collection is it.